Texas Junior Academy of Science
Students conduct research during the school year and present results through both oral and written presentations.
The Texas Junior Academy of Science (TJAS) is an annual meeting and science competition. High school students (grades 9-12) from across the state conduct research during the school year and present results at TJAS through both spoken and written word.
NOTE: Individual Entry Only
Research projects and presentations must be performed by individual students, and not by groups of students. Team or group projects are not eligible for entry.
Entry Fee & Forms
The non-refundable registration fee is $40 per participant (teacher/sponsor/student/guest). Please see the Forms/Due Dates page for details.
Judging Support
The top ranked student in each session will be eligible to participate in the final round of judging. Preliminary judging will be on the first day of competition and final judging will begin the next morning.
College of Arts and Sciences Outreach realizes that in any competition, differences of opinion about the judges interpretations may occur. It is the policy of the Outreach Programs to support the interpretations and final decisions of the judges panel.